近日,挪威商學院戰略學教授 Prof. CARL FEY 蒞臨歐馬騰會展科技(上海)有限公司,開展了一場深度的參觀交流活動。歐馬騰CEO 師欣欣女士親自接待并全程陪同參觀,向教授展示了公司的核心業務、企業文化以及前沿項目成果,引發了教授的濃厚興趣與高度關注。
Recently, Prof. CARL FEY from the Norwegian Business School paid a visit to OMATEN Exhibition Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. for an in-depth exchange and tour. Ms. Shi Xinxin, the CEO of OMATEN, personally received and accompanied the professor throughout the visit, presenting the company's core businesses, corporate culture, and cutting-edge project achievements, which aroused the professor's strong interest and attention.
在參觀過程中,Prof. CARL FEY 對歐馬騰獨特的企業文化及具有行業影響力的項目表現出了強烈的好奇心與熱情。雙方就歐馬騰的成長歷程、戰略布局以及在競爭激烈的會展科技領域中脫穎而出的關鍵因素,展開了深入且富有啟發性的討論。師欣欣女士詳細介紹了公司如何通過持續創新與精準定位,實現了在行業內的穩步發展與突破,令教授對歐馬騰的企業戰略與執行能力有了全面且深入的認識。
During the visit, Prof. CARL FEY showed great curiosity and enthusiasm for OMATEN's unique corporate culture and industry-leading projects. The two parties engaged in in-depth and inspiring discussions on OMATEN's growth path, strategic layout, and the key factor for us to take the leading role in such a competitive exhibition technology Industry.
Ms. Shi Xinxin elaborated on how the company has achieved success in a steady way and made breakthrough in the industry through continuous innovation and precise positioning, giving the professor a comprehensive and deep understanding of OMATEN's corporate strategy and execution capabilities.
It is worth noting that the professor took a particular interest in OMATEN's coaching and facilitation learning model.
Ms. Shi Xinxin shared her valuable experience about leading the company'ssenior leaders for a one_week coaching and facilitation in this learning program and how these coaching and facilitation skills have been gradually promoted to the whole company, forming a learning-oriented organizational culture where all employees actively participate, making groundbreaking change from individuals to the whole organization from top to bottom.This innovative management and learning model not only enhanced employees' individual capabilities and team collaboration efficiency but also injected a continuous stream of impetus into the company's sustainable development.
Prof. CARL FEY 與歐馬騰的高管團隊進行了深入的交流,詳細探討了在引入教練式引導力過程中所遇到的挑戰、解決方案以及取得的顯著成效。雙方就如何進一步優化這一學習模式,使其更好地與企業戰略目標相結合,提升企業的整體競爭力等話題交換了意見。教授對歐馬騰在企業管理創新方面的實踐給予了高度評價,并表示此次參觀為他的研究提供了豐富的實踐案例與全新的思考角度。
Prof. CARL FEY had an in-depth conversation with OMATEN's senior management team, discussing in detail the challenges encountered, solutions, and remarkable achievements during the implementation of the coaching and facilitation model. The two sides exchanged views on how to further optimize this learning model to better align it with the company's strategic goals and enhance the company's overall competitiveness. The professor highly praised OMATEN's practices in corporate management innovation and stated that this visit provided him with rich practical cases and new perspectives for his research.
This visit not only enhance the mutual understanding and cooperation between OMATEN and the international academic community, but also provide new ideas and inspiration for OMATEN's future international development strategy. OMATEN will continue to uphold its corporate culture of innovation and learning, actively explore cutting-edge technologies and management models in the industry, and strive to become a leading enterprise in the global exhibition technology field.
通過此次交流,歐馬騰也進一步鞏固了其在行業內的創新者與領導者地位,同時也為未來的國際合作與發展奠定了堅實基礎。歐馬騰將以此次交流為契機,持續推動企業在會展科技領域的深度探索與創新實踐,為全球客戶提供更加卓越的會展服務與體驗。With deep communication, OMATEN has further strengthened its position as an innovator and leader in the industry and laid a solid foundation for future international cooperation and development. OMATEN will take this communication as an opportunity to continuously promote the company's deep exploration and innovative practice in the exhibition technology field and provide excellent exhibition service and experience for our global clients.